20 years ago, a box arrived at my parents’ home containing a window into the past. 5 glass plate negatives in relatively good shape, sent from a great-uncle in Kansas with a penchant for collecting eclectic items from around the midwest.
At the time, away at college and without a scanner that could capture anything that big, there wasn’t much I could do but hold them up to the light and wonder.
Fast forward to 2023 and an early attempt at spring cleaning lands the forgotten box on my lap along with an Epson scanner with more than enough room to make the scans. We cleared off space on the kitchen table and got to work last night scanning and exploring.
We have no idea who the photos are of, nor who took them or when. There are no dates, signatures or other identifying marks. As best we can guess, the machine with the children posing on it is something along the lines of a Buckeye Steam Traction Ditcher. Note the pipes in the background too. That’s about it…
Anyone or anything in the photos look familiar to you? Please reach out and let us know!